Dingo ownership in Victoria...
Pure Dingoes in Victoria require a dingo licence "before" getting a dingo. Before you apply for this licence you MUST construct a enclosure prior to an application for the dingo licence. This needs to be sorted out "first". (and should be constructed in all states for the dingoes safety) A yearly licence is $134 or concession $67 and a discount applies for licences issued for 3 years... DINGO ENCLOSURE STANDARDS 1. Dingo enclosures must meet the standards below: (a) be child-proof and of sufficiently secure design and construction to prevent escape of dingoes and unauthorised access to dingoes. (b) have a minimum floor area of 30 sq. metres for up to two Dingoes and an additional 10 sq. metres for each additional Dingo (over 9 months). (c) have fences of either 3.0 metres in height or a minimum of 2.0 metres in height with an additional 45 degree inward return of at least 1.0 metre in length (or the inward return being a full secure roof). (d) have a 1.0 metre inward-facing mesh return fitted at the base of the fence and fastened to the ground at right angles to the fence (or fence anchored securely to a cement slab). (e) have a secure escape-proof fence. 2. Enclosure must be constructed prior to the holder applying for a Dingo Licence, acquiring any dingoes or prior to the holder changing address. 3. The Dingo Licence holder must carry out any repairs or modifications directed by an Authorised Officer to an enclosure within the time specified by the Authorised Officer. If you're interested in having a dingo join your family Permit Applications and requirements can be found here: http://www.depi.vic.gov.au/…/kee…/private-wildlife-licences…