1080 Poison...
1080 only creates the illusion of an immediate solution, usually for short sighted economic gains. 1080 Poison Is Torture! 1080 (sodium...
We have to put an end to poisoning dingoes
We have to put an end to poisoning dingoes and the use of 1080 poison baits... Extensive persecution fractures the dingoes social...
It's getting worse across Australia for the dingo...
It's getting worse across Australia for the dingo... The Northern Territory Government has made it easier for the pastoral industry to...
We are over 1080 poisoning!
We are over being pissed off! This country has such a long history of poisoning its dingoes, which have such an unfair reputation of...
The truth about 1080 poison:
1080 is believed to be a poison that has no secondary effects on other animals, but since with more research it has found to have serious...