Has the unrelenting persecution of the dingo resulted in a negative impact on ecological balance?
Conclusion.... The unrelenting persecution of the dingo has had a negative impact on ecological balance. This conclusion was supported by...
Leave our Dingoes alone...
Leave our Dingoes alone... To win the war against the continued impacts of cats, foxes and overabundant herbivore populations, they need...
Saving the Dingo...
Saving the dingo is not breeding up their numbers to live in houses. Saving the dingo is banning the use of 1080, educating farmers to...
Urgent Action Is Needed To Protect Dingoes. (Canis sp. Dingo)
URGENT ACTION IS NEEDED TO PROTECT DINGOES... Victoria the only state to offer some sort of protection has just reintroduced a...
Bringing back the dingo...
Bringing back the dingo boosts ecosystem biodiversity. Australia is a country known for its uniqueness. Introduced species alter the...
The dingo is the guardian
The dingo is the guardian of Australia's unique fauna and flora. Research has demonstrated that dingoes have a profound influence on...
Many healthy ecosystems include the dingo...
Many healthy ecosystems include an 'apex' or top-order predator. In Australia, a healthy relationship exists between dingoes and...
Did you know?
The ecological function of dingoes is so very dependent on stable social structures. Land management experts have never not poisoned...
A decline of dingoes is a threat to our ecosystems...
The Dingo fence has impacts on Australian ecology! A decline of dingoes is a threat to our ecosystems... In the 1880s a dingo-proof...
Dingoes can restore ecosystems...
DINGOES — can help restore ecosystems, and research proves it's not just the numbers that count. Understanding dingoes' social structure...