It is the most dangerous lethal poison that was discovered by the German military in WW2..Just One Tenth of a gram is enough to kill a man.....
America makes this!!!!!
Any mammal that digests this die the most horrific death and it passes right through the food chain, as carrion birds and goannas ingest it from the poisoned carcass as 1080 stays in a carcass for 12 months..
They dump this poison over thousands of hectares of fragile environment, mammals that digest this die a very slow and horrific death...
some kinds of animals are more sensitive to 1080 than others.
It's highly toxic to mammals, and unfortunately, dogs are the most acutely susceptible.
The facts are eluded from a public that is bombarded by propaganda spread by the Government who support this catastrophe with dire consequences!!!!
This must be stopped-We must voice our concerns!!!
We have a right too!!!
This is what is being used to wipe out our native animal the Dingo, Australia's only top land predator...
1080 IS NOT HUMANE....

1080 is believed to be a poison that has no secondary effects on other animals, but since with more research it has found to have serious secondary effects, and can affect many other animals with just one bait!
The effects of 1080 baiting can differ between species but in all cases it is a extremely PAINFUL and SLOW death.
They use 1080 poison with meat based baits, but not all animals are carnivores (eat meat). Vegetation eating animals can and will be effected if they eat the vomit of a baited dingo/wild dog or fox.
Some kinds of animals are more sensitive to 1080 than others.
It's highly toxic to mammals, and unfortunately, canids are the most acutely susceptible.
Carrion eating birds of prey also eat the dead and rotting carcass, so too do reptiles.
They can not control which animal gets the 1080 poison bait!
Many carnivores will eat the bait of a free feed of meat, which is where 1080 poison is put.
Most Australian wildlife is in danger of being affected (poisoned) including endangered species such as quolls and dingoes.
The effects of 1080 is permanent...There is no antidote!
The government only feeds the general public with propaganda.
We must all stand up against 1080 baiting and help conserve all our Australian wildlife...
What is the RSPCA's view on using 1080 for pest control?
RSPCA Australia recognises the need to control introduced species, such as the fox, to reduce both environmental and agricultural impacts. However, we argue that the control methods used should be as humane as possible. The RSPCA has conducted a review of the available science on the humaneness of the effect of 1080 and the evidence indicates that 1080 is not a humane poison.However, we acknowledge that in many circumstances there is currently no alternative effective control method available.
The RSPCA is campaigning for further research into alternatives to 1080 so that it can be phased out and replaced with more humane alternatives, once these are identified. We are closely monitoring the research into a new type of lethal bait containing para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) which is being developed to target wild dogs and foxes without affecting other species. Further information on this research can be found here: http://www.invasiveanimals.com/research/goals/goal-1/1t3/.
While 1080 continues to be used, RSPCA Australia advocates that any baiting programs are carried out in accordance with the codes of practice (COPs) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) produced by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and funded by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage.

It's war on dingoes/wild dogs/foxes with a strawberry flavoured 1080 poison bait which soon could be made available to N.S.W graziers.
The stationary spring loaded "Canid"Pest Ejectors release a death capsule of 1080 into their mouths.
The baits are designed in a way that exploited a specific way that dogs and foxes eat, eliminating the possibility of the baits being taken by non-target animals.
They're actually a lure with a spring loaded ejector and a capsule. Only the dog or foxes bone structure allows them to pull directly up.
They have successfully used these death capsules in national parks for some time.
For any of you that may not know or understand WE want 1080 poison reviewed and banned...
1080 Poison Is Torture!1080 (sodium monofluroacetate) is a cruel and indiscriminate poison used to remove unwanted populations of animals. Banned in most countries, 1080 is still used liberally throughout Australia to control so-called pest species, and reduce browsing damage caused by native animals on private land.1080 poison is a slow killer. When ingested (usually through baited food) the animal suffers a prolonged and horrific death. Herbivores take the longest to die up to 36hrs, while carnivores can take up to 21hrs before finally succumbing to final effects of the poison. The speed of death is dependent on the rate of the animals metabolism. A Slow & Horrific Death Carnivorous animals such as dingoes, dogs, foxes, and cats become very agitated, as they tremble, convulse and vomit.The list of symptoms include:"restlessness; increased hyperexcitability; incontinence or diarrhea; excessive salivation; abrupt bouts of vocalization; and finally sudden bursts of violent activity. All affected animals then fall to the ground in teranic seizure, with hind limbs or all four limbs and sometimes the tail extended rigidly from their arched bodies. At other times the front feet are clasped together, clenched or used to scratch frantically .
This tonic phase is then followed by a clonic phase in which the animals lie and kick or 'paddle' with the front legs and sometimes squeal, crawl around and bite at objects. During this phase the tongue and penis may be extruded, their eyes rolled back so that only the whites show and the teeth ground together. Breathing is rapid but laboured, with some animals partly choking on their saliva. Finally such individuals begin to relax, breathing more slowly and shallowly and lying quietly with the hind legs still extended but apparently semiparalysed".From the above descriptions, it is without question that 1080 poison inflicts great pain and suffering on affected animals. Aside from the physical pain endured over the many hours before death, the terror, fear and anxiety felt by these animals is unimaginable.
I won't share any pics as this post is distressing enough!
1080 only creates the illusion of an immediate solution, usually for short sighted economic gains. There are many forms of non-lethal population control, that are both humane and effective, and that will not also damage our already very fragile environment. Many humane and non-lethal alternatives to 1080 exist, and if we stop seeing 1080 as a necessary evil many more alternatives will be developed.

We have to put an end to poisoning dingoes and the use of 1080 poison baits...
Extensive persecution fractures the dingoes social groups, disrupting hunting abilities, reproductive stability and territorial behaviour.
If the young dingoes lose their parents, the extended family is fractured. The social integrity of the group is destroyed; the young dingoes are then uneducated about hunting kangaroos and wallabies and it then leads to stock predation.
If baiting is stopped the dingoes will in fact settle down. If farmers can initionally weather the storm temporarily, ultimately they will benefit.
From the moment a dingo is born they immediately bond with their mother.
A good solid pack structure is vital in order to function as a proper dingo.
Teaching the pups what to eat is more than just food-it's the different flavours of meat and the smell associated with that meat- that they know what to eat and what to hunt.
Without these lessons the pups won't know what to hunt which can result in them catching easier prey like farm animals. That's when they become a problem for graziers!
That is why it is so important to keep the adults alive and so they can teach the pups how to live in the wild. This is essential pack behaviour.
Through pack schooling the young pups grow up to be effective predators so as ensuring that grazing animals do not get out of control, so maintaining the natural balance.
The dingo is so unique and deserving of full protection...