Did you know?
The ecological function of dingoes is so very dependent on stable social structures. Land management experts have never not poisoned dingoes and now all invasive species are exploding out of control....The answer does not lie behind the use of more 1080 poison!!! Where threatened species survive, dingoes are consistently found besides them. Where dingo populations are allowed to recover, invasive and opportunistic species decline considerably, and native biodiversity and productivity increases. The ecological benefits of dingoes are more pronounced and consistent when their social stability is considered. The positive influence of dingoes, and the negative effect of predator control, even outweighes the influence of rainfall in the desert. Whether conducted in the name of pastoral industry or biodiversity conservation, predator control benefits neither and undermines both. By relaxing human intervention, and allowing dingoes to re-assume their natural roles, can rapidly restore ecological resilience and reduce the threat of invasive species....