Choosing to use the dingo...
Choosing to use the dingo as the saviour of Australia’s ecology is an idea that would be resisted by the majority of people. This is purely because the majority of people are misinformed and uneducated about how crucially important the dingo is to biodiversity. Sadly the mainstream view on the dingo is negatively propagated by the media that is controlled by the government and corporations. As the media has the ability to influence the minds of the masses they are able to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent. Unfortunately for the dingo (ecology’s best friend) they are the innocent native and beneficial animal that has been portrayed negatively by the media. The reason for this is that the government and corporations care more about the profit that they can make than they do about Australia’s sustainability and its ecology. For the dingo, this is why it has been persecuted. Fortunately, engineering and science has recently started transitioning away from the primitive and unsustainable practices (such as fossil fuels) and ideologies. Fortunately for the endangered dingo, its vital role in balancing the ecology has recently been recognised. From being almost driven to extinction to now having dingo conservation sanctuaries dedicated to its preservation, the dingo holds the key to sustainably balancing the Australian ecology. In recent years many studies have been directed towards the importance of the dingo and its key role in the outback. Educated people are able to understand the importance of the dingo. The best way to protect Australia’s ecology is to educate the people about the importance the dingo has to the environment before it’s too late. ~Gary Taylor Photography~