We are over 1080 poisoning!
We are over being pissed off! This country has such a long history of poisoning its dingoes, which have such an unfair reputation of preying on sheep and other livestock! But by killing off the dingoes is having unintended consequences, dramatically impacting the biodiversity in regions where dingo populations have been reduced or removed. Studies conducted by (UNSW) and other institutions have shown that where dingoes have been poisoned, increased numbers of large plant-eating mammals, such as kangaroos and wallabies are found and they also harbored higher numbers of red foxes, one of the worst invasive species in Australia! All of those species make ready prey for dingoes and they appear to have thrived in the dingoes absence. Both the herbivores and the foxes need more food as their populations increase. Grazing by the herbivores reduces the amount of vegetative ground cover available to a variety of smaller mammals and rodents such as possums and bandicoots. This decline exposes the smaller mammals to predation by foxes, causing their populations to drop. Predation by foxes is one of the most important threats to small native mammals. DINGOES SHOULD NOT BE POISONED if we want to halt the loss of mammal biodiversity in Australia! Poisoning dingoes is counterproductive for biodiversity conservation. They need to develop more strategies to maintain the balance of nature by keeping dingoes in the bush, while minimizing their impacts on livestock and leaving them alone! Nature has the resources to bring back a natural balance without the need to poison our land and its native fauna ...