Reversing Hybridisation

Whilst pure bred dingoes in the wild are dwindling, the altered form of hybridised dingo is growing. Indeed, ecologists consider the dingo’s role in suppressing “mesopredators and large herbivores,” to be of critical importance in preserving native plant communities that might otherwise be gnawed to the ground. “Australia needs more dingoes to protect our biodiversity.” If only the Government would act upon this, granting protection for the dingo and allowing it to live a natural life - so that the biodiversity of Australia could once again reach a balance. There is evidence to suggest ,very strong evidence in fact that we can reverse the hybridization process. according to this study we could bring the dingo back in all regions, it is possible. All it would take would be to relax predator control, restore social structures and natural selection would take care of the rest.. Sounds like a pipe dream eyeah.....I can assure you it's not !