Since European settlement, humans have drastically altered the Australian environment, resulting in one of the highest rates of species loss in the world. Cats and foxes have wreaked havoc on small wildlife species, while larger natives, such as kangaroos, have multiplied. We are constantly trying to poison foxes to reduce their populations and we are constantly culling roos to keep their numbers low. But the reason why these species are problematic is that there is nothing controlling them. In a true wild system, the dingo would control both of these species. Top predators (such as the dingo) are animals at the apex of the food chain with no natural enemies except man. They play the most important role in nature by keeping populations of other species in check. The dingo protects native animals, threatened by extinction. "Where dingo populations are still surviving is where we see a lot of threatened species still managing to survive in the wild, and that's because dingoes are controlling cats and foxes. We know dingoes play the most important role in managing ecological processes. Now more research needs to be applied into non-management strategies so it can benefit landowners and most importantly, the dingo. Farmers fear bringing back dingoes, but there are viable solutions. Guardian animals, such as dogs, alpacas and even donkeys which have proven to offer protection against livestock predation.