Dingo ownership in Victoria...
Pure Dingoes in Victoria require a dingo licence "before" getting a dingo. Before you apply for this licence you MUST construct a...

The dingo is the guardian
The dingo is the guardian of Australia's unique fauna and flora. Research has demonstrated that dingoes have a profound influence on...

Living with Dingoes...
You never own a dingo like a domestic dog! You can take the dingo out of the wild but never the wild out of the dingo... It's important...

Hunting and poisoning dingoes has a devestating affect on future populations
Hunting and poisoning dingoes has a devastating affect on future populations. When you take a young dingoes parents away, there is...

The Dingoes Whelping Season....
It's coming into whelping season. Dingoes generally have four biological seasons per year. They are breeding, whelping, rearing and...

Australia has only One Top Order Predator
Australia has only one Top Order Predator, the dingo and the only threat to the dingo is human persecution. Dingoes have no enforced...

Reintroduction of Dingoes could save endangered species...
Reintroduction of dingoes could save endangered species... Around 40 percent of our country's native species are listed as threatened,...

Dingo Politics...
The use of dingoes as apex predators and biodiversity regulators in the Australian landscape has always generated a significant amount of...

We have to put an end to poisoning dingoes
We have to put an end to poisoning dingoes and the use of 1080 poison baits... Extensive persecution fractures the dingoes social...

Education not Discrimination.
Education not discrimination! We all know the crucial role the dingo plays in our ecosystems and that we need populations to sustain...